Blog Archive

Teaching Tips, Multisensory Learning

Keeping Multisensory Learning in the Classroom in the Digital Age

Technology is an invaluable asset to the classroom and can include multimedia visuals and interactive instruction to enhance learning. With more and more technology tools becoming available to...Continue reading

In the News, Ask the Experts

Handwriting Expert, Christina Bretz, Talks Handwriting with Today’s Modern Educator

Kids are on computers, and, yes, there is a lot of technology in the classroom today. There also is, however, a lot of paper and pencil work taking place every day in classrooms. Children have to...Continue reading

In the News

What World Wide Web Day Means for Students

On August 1 of every year, we celebrate the creation of the World Wide Web (you know, the internet, the net, the web, the interwebz, Google’s home) and how it allows us to share a plethora of...Continue reading
