
Class Cash Contest

What better way is there to head back to school than as a winner? Learning Without Tears is your back to school planner and we’re holding a new Back to School Class Cash Contest to help you head into fall prepared to take on the year with $100 of Learning Without Tears products and training.


Our contest is a special way for us to help you transition from summer to school in the easiest way possible and with hands-on, engaging products and training to kick start your most successful school year yet. To enter the contest, share your best back to school tip here for a chance to win $100 of Learning Without Tears products and training. 100 winners* will be picked randomly so enter now for your chance to win!


Share your best back to school tip about setting up your classroom, helping students struggling with handwriting, and establishing strong school-to-home connections for a chance to win! As your back to school planner, Learning Without Tears offers simple ways to help you seamlessly head back to school. We want to help make this year your best year yet!


*100 winners will be randomly selected to receive $100 worth of Learning Without Tears products or training. Upon submission, your tip becomes proprietary content for Learning Without Tears and we can use your name and publish your submission in perpetuity. Winners will be announced on October 2, 2018 and will be contacted via email for details about how to claim their prize. Prizes are non-transferrable and are only intended for contest participants. Prizes can be applied toward Learning Without Tears products, licenses, and professional development.

Kathryn Fox's picture
By Kathryn Fox Kathryn received her Bachelor of Arts in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication from James Madison University. She is an experienced editor, copywriter, and technical writer and has worked for the government and in the IT, music, and telecommunications industries. She is currently a writer and editor for Learning Without Tears and loves providing content that empowers young writers and teachers. Kathryn lives in Arlington, Virginia with her best friends.