Teaching Tips, Multisensory Learning, Ask the Experts

Reimagine Ways to Teach with the Wood Pieces

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Think the Wood Pieces Set for Capital Letters is just for letter formation activities? Well, think again because the Wood Pieces can be used for so much more! Although the Wood Pieces are typically used to teach Pre-K children capital letter formations through imitation, they can be used in various (even more fun) ways to boost learning in the classroom! Check out some of our favorite Wood Pieces activities! 


Put on the Tunes


Play the songs from our music albums that correspond with the Wood Pieces lessons to get your students moving and grooving while learning the Wood Pieces shapes. Whether you choose to dance and sing to the “Wood Pieces Pokey” or the “Big Line March,” you’ll be building your students’ sensory motor skills like position and mobility and foundation skills like listening and repeating!


Bring Position Concepts to Life


Under and over, behind and besides . . . teaching positions without visual context is often too tricky for your little learners. Demonstrate position words and concepts using the Wood Pieces to show children each position they’re learning and the differences between them. Then, have children imitate your movements to further grasp position concepts! Check out our How-To Videos to watch how teachers and occupational therapists use the Wood Pieces in their classrooms.


Do you use the Wood Pieces Set for Capital Letters in other creative ways? Don’t forget to share your classroom innovations with us on social!

Kathryn Fox's picture
By Kathryn Fox Kathryn received her Bachelor of Arts in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication from James Madison University. She is an experienced editor, copywriter, and technical writer and has worked for the government and in the IT, music, and telecommunications industries. She is currently a writer and editor for Learning Without Tears and loves providing content that empowers young writers and teachers. Kathryn lives in Arlington, Virginia with her best friends.