Teaching Tips, What our friends say!

Guest Blog: Occupational Therapy for Kids

Guest Blog OT Kids

Learning Without Tears is featuring a new blogger this month.

You might recognize today’s Guest Blogger from when this rockstar occupational therapist hosted an Instagram takeover for us recently.

Aoife is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist from Dublin, Ireland. You can follow her blog https://occupationaltherapyforkids.blogspot.com/. She shares children’s OT tips and tricks for all OT needs! Follow her on Facebook and on Instagram

Check out her latest post on the Do’s and Don’t s of handwriting instruction—and take a peek at her top product recommendations (Hint: you might see some familiar tools!).

Plus, find her grip tips for encouraging fine motor skills building.


By Megan Parker Megan Parker received her Bachelor of Science degree in English from Towson University. She has a background in writing for children that includes working in the editorial department at Girls’ Life magazine, where she wrote for the print magazine and website. She has versatile experience as a writer, editor, and copywriter, and her writing has been published in magazines and newspapers. When she’s not having fun creating imaginative content at Learning Without Tears, she loves to travel the world.