LWTears Blog

Home Connection, What our friends say!

How one Mom found "Tears of Joy" with Handwriting Without Tears

Amanda's story came to us through an occupational therapy (OT) group on Facebook and, with her permission, we had to share her beautiful story of overcoming challenges. Amanda, we are proud to be...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Ask the Experts

Left-Handed Handwriting Tips & Guide

left handed writing

What do David Bowie, Oprah, Barack Obama, and Jim Henson (and Kermit!) all have in common? Aside from being the ultimate dream dinner party—they are famous lefties!


According to...Continue reading

Summer, Teaching Tips

Build your SUMMER plan

Summer Learning Fun

The summer of 2020 is like no summer ever before in the history of our country.


Here in the United States we are living and learning to adapt at home, school, work, and in the...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Readiness

Boosting Children’s Vocabulary To Improve Communication Skills & Help Support Student Success

Boosting children's vocabulary at home

What is vocabulary and why is it important for children?

Vocabulary refers to all the language and words that an individual can understand. Vocabulary words are used in everyday...Continue reading
