Teaching Tips

Teaching Tips, Ask the Experts

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia: Teaching Strategies to Help Your Students

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia blog image

Dyslexia affects one in five students. It is the most common learning disability in the classroom. Because of these students’ difficulty processing letters, they struggle to use...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Readiness

6 Preschool Math Activities: Numbers, Counting, and Beyond!

Pre K Math Blog image

We are all familiar with the core areas of learning: “Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic”, or more recently, the focus on the STEM and STEAM initiatives. These are meant to remind us of the basic...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Edtech

Bringing Handwriting into the 21st Century with Interactive Digital Technology

National Handwriting Day

It's 2020 and we're well into the 21st century. Handwriting instruction needs to reflect evolving classrooms. We live in a digital age and your handwriting instruction can reflect that!...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Announcements

Find Your Training: Professional Development for Everyone

Professional development blog header

Whether you’ve been inspiring your little learners for 20 years...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Multisensory Learning

Learning Through Play in Childhood Education

play based learning for childhood development

To play or not to play? That seems to be the perennial question in early education—and one that has been a hot button issue in recent news. As mounting evidence suggests that children do better in...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Readiness

Countdown to Kindergarten! 4 New Year's Resolutions for Your Pre-K Classroom

Pre-K New Year

The countdown to kindergarten has begun!

Mid-year is here and for Pre-K teachers that means time with your little learners is winding down. The next few months are all about making sure...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, In the News

Resources for Meeting Mid-Year Teaching Goals

New Year blog

The holidays are winding down and the new year is starting up!  For teachers, that means the second half of the school year, also known as mid-year, is officially here. 


Now is a...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Ask the Experts

Guest Blogger: Katrina Erikson, OT, Shares Grip Tips

Grip Tips

They say a child’s work is play, but in school, a child’s work requires them to write…and to write, you need a good pencil grip. A good pencil grip allows for precise and controlled movements of...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Edtech

Happy winter solstice! Warm up those fingers with our keyboarding activities!

Winter Solstice

Happy winter solstice! Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. And, what better way is there to keep your students’ fingers warm than with NEW typing activities from Keyboarding Without...Continue reading

Teaching Tips, Home Connection

4 Festive Holiday Learning Activities

Winter Break activities

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and for teachers, that means finding new and creative ways to make learning fun throughout the holiday season. Instead of trying to tame students’...Continue reading


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